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HTC Content Marketing

Hot Chicken Takeover is a delicous local brand. See below the full conpecting for a full month of equally delicious content marketing.

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Creative Brief + Impact Evaluation

A short creative brief was created to ensure the project sticks to a strong identity. The impact evaluation was created to see the company's current reach and influence.

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Content Calender

The second step was to create a content calender... This is an example celander of March 2020 depicting the content to come and relevant holidays.

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Zero Discrimination + Social Justice Blog

Zero discrimination day falls on March 1st every year. Taking the opportunity to talk about the social justice business model that Hot Chicken Takeover adopted as well as the causes near to the company's heart.


"Joe Day" Customer Appreciation Email

Let's take "Joe Day" (March 27th) to hear thanks from the founder Joe! And thank the customers for making it all possible.


Employee Appreciation Posts + Other Social

Now yes the business wouldn't be anything without customers, but the people that make it all happen and keep the lights on are the employees. Let's show them some love!

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Guy Fieri Colab + Press Release

Celebrity endorsement anyone? You know him you love him and he was a Columbus native before his Diner, Drive-ins and Dives days. 

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Spring Chicken Event

Spring is here! What better way to celebrate than with chicken, beer and live music?

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